Museum of Carriages and Sleighs | Marstallmuseum
Museums & Exhibitions

Schloß Nymphenburg, 80638 Munich
Fare Zone M
17 Schloss Nymphenburg
51, 151 Schloss Nymphenburg
1 € on regular entrance fee*
Museum of Carriages and Sleighs
The well-known Marstallmuseum has state coaches, sleighs and riding equipment used by the Bavarian rulers. The Marstallmuseum in Nymphenburg Palace in Munich is housed in the former stables in the southern part of the palace.
Years of Riding Culture
The Marstallmuseum houses floats, courtly sleds and riding gear of the Bavarian rulers. The Marstallmuseum in Nymphenburg Palace in Munich is housed in the former stables in the southern part of the palace. With over forty representative coaches, sleighs and riding accouterments that belonged to the Wittelsbachs. Additionally, three hundred years of the coach building, travel and riding culture. The showpiece of the museum has long been the Coronation Coach of Emperor Karl VII. This one of the most beautiful state coaches in the French Rococo style. The 19th-century state vehicles of King Ludwig II are the high point of the many Wittelsbach gala coaches and sleighs on display.
Over forty representative carriages, sledges and riding equipment
Magnificent harnesses, fine riding accouterments and historical pictures bring the travel culture of the court to life. A newly designed room in the museum also outlines the development of the Munich court stables from the 16th to the early 20th century , focusing on the people who were once employed here.
Your Benefit with CityTourCard Munich: 1€ discount on the regular admission price*
*redeemable on site only
Please visit for latest opening hours.