Tölz city temptresses
Explore the city

Meeting point varies.
Fare Zone M-6
2€ discount*
Try Bad Tölz
With our "Tölzer Stadtversuchung" you go on a historical and culinary foray through Bad Tölz. Enjoy this beautiful town in the Isarwinkel with all your senses. Your eyes and ears will be tempted by the history at special places - your palate at three culinary stations.
"Sweet, savory and alcoholic" are the keywords here. Depending on the season, enjoy homemade non-alcoholic herbal sprizz or baked apple punch with matching chocolate at the Café Rendezvous of Delights. At the Tölzer Kasladen, you will be introduced to European cheese and wine culture and at the Enzianbrennerei Schwaighofer, a small sample of the brandies and liqueurs produced there will be served. Once a month, the "Tölzer Stadtversuchung" is offered to the public - ideal for individuals.
Your Benefit with CityTourCard Munich: 2€ discount on the public dates of the Tölzer Stadtversucherinnen*
*1x per month, participation for individuals
*Dates can be found on the partner's website. Registration by phone or e-mail required! Tour is in German only
For current opening hours please visit our partner’s website!