7 Questions to Destillerie Lantenhammer

We ask, our partners answer. At the Lantenhammer distillery and adventure world, you will not only learn all about the production, distillery and storage of fruit brandies, gin and rum, but you can also taste them for yourself! You can also look forward to many interactive stations on the adventure tour. Find out what else there is to know in this article ;)

Describe the Lantenhammer distillery in one sentence

The high quality standards, almost 100 years of tradition, our unique storage in earthenware containers and the 4th Distillery of the Year award - all this makes Lantenhammer special.

What will be the highlight of 2024 at the Lantenhammer distillery?

Our highlights are the various events such as

- 05.07.2024 It's Gin o'Clock!

- 20.09.2024 Rum Safari

- 18.10.2024 Whisky Experience and

- 16/17.11.2024 the winter court festival

What distinguishes Lantenhammer from other distilleries?

The unique storage in our earthenware containers and the very high quality standards of our products

Is there an age limit for the tour?

There is no age limit for viewing, but tasting is only possible from the age of 18.

Where else can you find Lantenhammer spirits apart from the distillery store?

The Lantenhammer distillates are available on our Website to buy them online or in the Tegernsee Arkaden as well as in Sylt at the Lister Markt

Apart from the Lantenhammer distillery, what else should you definitely see in the Bavarian Oberland?

Our store in Tegernsee, the "Tegernsee Arkaden", the Markus Wasmeier open-air museum in Schliersee, the Herzogliche Bräustüberl in Tegernsee, the wonderful lake landscape of Tegernsee and Schliersee and of course the mountains all around with their wonderful alpine pastures and refreshment stops

Typically Bavarian?

Dirndl/ lederhosen, of course a gentian from the Lantenhammer distillery and a fine roast pork with dumplings

If you would like to learn more about our CityTourCard Munich partner, you can find more information here.

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