Spurwechsel Bike Rental

Explore the city

Ohlmüllerstraße 5, 81541 Munich

Fare Zone M

U1, U2, U7, U8 Fraunhoferstraße

18 Eduard-Schmid-Straße

132 Fraunhoferstraße

10% discount*

Do as the locals do

Explore Munich on your own initiative. Change vehicle and enjoy more mobility in Munich! Spurwechsel Bike Rental  for that are available at our bike rental. By bike, you experience Munich like the locals. On a Spurwechsel-bike, you bypass traffic jams and are independent of the schedules of public transportation. You set the pace and the route and are more flexible. Plus, you indulge in easy-going outdoor exercise!

Experience Munich with Spurwechsel

The “megavillage“ Munich is clearly laid out and nearly all sights – even those that are situated in the surrounding suburbs outside the city centre – are easily accessible by bike. Even the Olympic centre or castle Nymphenburg aren’t too far out for bikers. Apart from our city bikes with 7-gear-shift and back-pedalling brake, we also offer trekking bikes. Additionally, you can rent (heavy-duty) trailers, helmets, children’s bikes, children’s trailers and children’s seats. We supply you with City maps and above all the best inside biking tips for Munich!


Your Benefit with CityTourCard Munich: 10% discount off your rental bike*
*Please note that you have a CityTourCard Munich when you register online and show it on the day of the tour


For current opening hours please visit our partner’s website!
