Nymphenburg Palace
Museums & Exhibitions

Schloß Nymphenburg 1, 80638 München
Fare Zone M
17 Schloss Nymphenburg
51, 151 Schloss Nymphenburg
A synthesis of the arts of European standing
The palace and park of the Nymphenburg Palace are a total work of art of European rank in their combination of architecture and garden design. Following the birth of the heir to the throne, Max Emanuel, Elector Ferdinand Maria and his consort commissioned the architect Agostino Barelli to build Nymphenburg Palace in 1664. During the reign of Max Emanuel the complex was extended with side galleries and residential buildings designed in 1701 by Henrico Zuccalli. From 1714, under the direction of Joseph Effner, the adjacent four-winged buildings were completed and the façade of the central building was modernized in the French style: the private country house was now an extensive summer residence of absolutist proportions. Max Emanuel’s successor, Elector Karl Albrecht, completed the complex on the city side with the Rondell buildings. The interior rooms present exhibitions and works of art from the Baroque period to Classicism. The tour of the palace also includes a look at the room in which King Ludwig II of Bavaria was born. Another highlight is the world-famous ‘Gallery of Beauties’, with portraits commissioned by King Ludwig I.
Unfortunately, the Antechamber, the Bedroom and the Lacquer Cabinet in the Electress's Apartment (Rooms 11-13) in Nymphenburg Palace are currently closed to the public for restoration. The reopening of the rooms is planned for summer 2024.
Palace Park and Pavilions
The Palace Park covers an area of around 445 acres. It was originally a Baroque garden and was transformed at the beginning of the 19th century by Friedrich Ludwig von Sckell into a landscape garden. The famous Parkschlösschen (little palaces) can be viewed in the park. The Badenburg, with its swimming pool, the Pagodenburg with chinoiserie decoration, the artificial ruins of Magdalenenklause, and the Amalienburg, a rococo jewel.
Your Benefit with CityTourCard Munich: 1 € on regular entrance fee at Nymphenburg Palace*
*redeemable on site
General information on opening hours can be found on the website.