Our Discount Partner

Select the fare zone of your ticket to see which partners you can benefit from our discounts with.

All discount partners M-12: select M, M-6 and M-12.
For the M-6 ticket option: select M and M-6.
If you are only traveling in the Munich city area: select M.


30 Partner found
Alps Air plane over water in the air


8% discount on the regular flight price

Extraordinary Experiences Explore the city

Flughafenstraße 1, 86169 Augsburg

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Ammersee with sunset and boat

Boat Rental at Fischermichel

up to 1 € depending on loan and product

Explore the city

Südliche Seestraße 9a, 82541 Ammerland

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City Sightseeing Munich

10 % discount on the regular entrance fee*

Explore the city

Luisenstr. 4, 80335 München (main station in front of the Elisenhof)

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Owner Diana in front of a Munich portrait

Diana Tours Munich

15% on all guided tours*

Explore the city

Sendlinger-Tor-Platz 1, 80336 München

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Fat Tire Tours Munich

15 % on all Segway and bike tours*

Extraordinary Experiences Explore the city

Karlsplatz 4, 80335 München

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FlyStation Munich: Bodyflying and Indoor Skydiving

10 % off for the 4, 6 and 10 minutes packages for adults*

Explore the city

Bajuwarenstraße 1, 85375 Neufahrn near Freising

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Gray Line Sightseeing City Tours

2€ off on the Gray Line Ticket

Explore the city

Karlsplatz 21/ Stachus (Sonnenstraße next to Hotel BUDDY).

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Gray Line Sightseeing Day Trips

25 % off on the Gray Line Sightseeing day ticket

Explore the city

Karlsplatz 21/ Stachus (Sonnenstraße next to Hotel BUDDY).

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Heliflieger Helicopter Sightseeing Tours

20 € discount on your helicopter tour ticket*

Extraordinary Experiences Explore the city

Flugplatz Jesenwang, 82287 Jesenwang

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Herz und Heimat Stadtführungen

2 € discount on all tours in the open program, 10% on booked tours*

Explore the city

Marienplatz, 80331 Munich

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Hot Rod Fun Munich

40 € discount on the EARLY BIRD SPECIAL or EARLY BIRD SPECIAL COUNTRY tour for 2 persons or more*

Explore the city Extraordinary Experiences

Atelierstraße 10, 81679 Munich

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Einsteigen, bitte.

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